New technology hub at TKAT's Havant Academy supports young people with emotional, mental health and social needs - News - TKAT Multi-Academy Trust


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New technology hub at TKAT's Havant Academy supports young people with emotional, mental health and social needs

TKAT's Havant Academy in Hampshire has started the academic year with a new hub to support students with social, emotional, and mental health needs, funded by a charitable foundation set up by entrepreneur and former pupil of the school, Darren Ridge.

The Ridge Centre is a new area providing a quiet, calm setting where students who find classrooms challenging can learn and receive one-to-one support. It was funded by a donation of £30,000 from The Ridge Foundation, which was set up by Darren to help young people from challenging backgrounds to achieve their potential.

The hub is fitted with technology that allows students who suffer anxiety or behaviour issues in class to listen to live lessons from their teachers on their own, while still benefiting from being in the school environment.

Headteacher Vicki Dillon-Thiselton said: 

“In the hub we welcome a range of young people with different levels of need, and adults working with them, so they can access education in a way they couldn’t before. Thanks to this donation, we are able to support young people to get qualifications that they simply wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

On a visit to his former school to see the hub in action, Darren said: “I set up the Ridge Foundation to help provide resources to support work to raise aspirations among young people, and it was fantastic to see first-hand how this project is already making a difference.”

The Ridge Foundation continues to work with Havant Academy to support a range of projects, including a forthcoming awards evening to reward progress and performance.

Pictured: (left to right): Headteacher Vicki Dillon-Thiselton, pupil Layton Outen, and Darren Ridge.